Day 1 - Tuesday, December 3
Karen Kerrigan, President & CEO of Small Business Entrepreneurship Merchant Council, lobbied the White House and Congress in support of the JOBS Act
U.S. Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist
U.S. Representative David Schweikert (R-AZ) successful real estate professional
Ben Miller, Co-Founder of FundRise, a platform allowing non-accrediteds to invest alongside mega-developers
Paul Niederer, CEO of Australian Small Scale Offering Board, a hybrid Title II & Title III model
Day 2 - Wednesday, December 4
Jay Abraham, Founder & CEO of The Abraham Group, preeminence and growth mentor
Nav Athwal, Co-Founder & CEO of RealtyShares, angel investor real estate platform
Joseph Barroni, Co-Founder & CEO of High Risk Experts, merchant service provider for platform operators
Amy Cortese, NY Times Contributor, Author of Locavesting
John Harthorne, Founder & CEO MassChallenge Accelerator
Korstiaan Zandvliet, Managing Director of Symbid, Netherlands Non-Accredited Investing Platform
Day 3 - Thursday, December 5
Dani Beit-Or, CEO of Simply Do It, Real Estate Syndicator
David Levine, Director Proficio Bank
Arik Marmorstein, Co-Founder & CEO, Mimoona Israeli Funding Platform
Marla Tabaka, Contributor to Inc. Magazine
Rep. Thomas Murry, State Representative, author of North Carolina Intra-state CrowdFunding Bill
Day 4 - Friday, December 6
Daniel Gorfine, Legal Counsel for the Milken Institute
Sara Hanford, CEO of Strasburg Savings Bank
Jenny Kassan, CEO of Cutting Edge Capital, Direct Public Offering Specialist
Bruce Lipnick, Founder Crowd Alliance, Hedge Fund Investor
Landon Ray, Founder & CEO of Ontraport, Automated Marketing System
Day 5 - Saturday, December 7
Andrew Bellak, Co-Founder, President & CEO of StakeHolder Capital
Douglas Ellenoff, Partner at PRWest Vacation Rentals
Caroline Lamaud, Co-Founder of Anaxago French Equity platform
Brian Meece, CEO of RocketHub, leading rewards platform
Lena Requist, COO of Ontraport, business automation systems
Day 6 - Sunday, December 8
Mark Levine, Lawyer, Syndicator, and University of Denver Professor
C.E. (Tee) Rowe, President & CEO of the America’s Small Business Development Centers
Roger Royse, Startup specialist, owner PaymentSphere Serices
Bishop Rodney Sampson, Founder of Kingonomics, The Church As An Epicenter of CrowdFunding
Art Stevens, General Manager of MicroPlace broker dealer (an E-Bay company)
Day 7 - Monday, December 9
Jouko Ahvenainen, Co-Founder of UK GrowVC
Alisa Gravitz, President & CEO of Green America, rebuilding the economy through green companies
Shahab Kaviani, Co-Founder & CEO of CoFoundersLab, a matching site for potential founders
John Perkins, Chairman, First Wyoming Capital, former president of NASAA and state commissioner, direct public offering mentor
Paul Spinrad, ex-Wired Editor, the father of CrowdFunding Chief Story Officer at Investian
Day 8 - Tuesday, December 10
Jilliene Helman, Founder & CEO of RealtyMogul, accredited real estate platform
Hazel Henderson, Founder of Ethical Markets Media, economic advisor to three adminsitrations
Charles Luzar, Director of CrowdFunding Insider
Gadi Mazor, General Partner & CTO of OurCrowd, Israeli angel investor technology platform
Devin Thorpe, Contributor to
Day 9 - Wednesday, December 11
Jonathan Frutkin, CEO of Cricca Funding which turns customers into loyal owners, entrepreneur, attorney
Megan Johnson & Jeff Bekaires, Co-Founders of SparkMarket, Georgia CrowdFunding platform using intra-state exemption
Jeff Lynn, Co-Founder and CEO of UK Seedrs
Terry Mollner, Co-Founder, Director of Calvert Foundation, Director of Ben & Jerrys
Humphrey Polanen, Managing Director of I-BankersDirect, accredited angel platform
Day 10 - Thursday, December 12
Richard Bliss, Senior VP of Global Marketing for Social Tech Media
Timothy Draper, Founder & Managing Director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson Fund
Peter Einstein, Founder of CrowdFunding4All a discovery site for funders
Timothy Freundlich, President & CEO of Impact Assets, Founder The Hub Social Incubator, SoCal Conferences
Sherwood Neiss, Co-founder & Principal of CrowdFund Capital Advisors, lobbied to get the CrowdFunding bill proposed in the House
Day 11 - Friday, December 13
Barry James, Founder & CEO of Angel Revolutions, UK CrowdFunding Advocate, producer of Deep Impact Conference
Howard Leonhardt, Founder & Chairman of CA Stock Xchange
Marlon Paz, Partner at Locke Lord, former official at Securities And Exchange Commission
John Perkins, Chairman, First Wyoming Capital, former president of NASAA and state commissioner, direct public offering mentor
Stuart Rudick, Founding Partner of Mindful Investors Fund
David Weild IV, Chairman & CEO of Weild & Co., former Vice-Chairman of NASDAQ
Day 12 - Saturday, December 14
David Drake, Founder & Chairman of LDJ Capital and Soho Loft
Joe Polish, Founder & President of Piranha Marketing, leading business growth advisor
Wil Schroter, Founder & CEO of Fundable
Woody Tasch, Founder Slow Money, Co-Founder Investors Circle
Gene Trowbridge, Partner Trowbridge & Taylor syndicators, attorneys
Randy Williams, Founder & CEO of Keiretsu Forum angel chapters in 30 cities on four continents
Day 13 - Sunday, December 15
Jason Best, Co-founder & Principal of CrowdFund Capital Advisors, lobbied the House for the original CrowdFunding bill
Michael Crosson, online marketing expert, Publisher of
Adam Lee, Co-Founder & CEO of Bohemian Guitars, first non-accredited crowdfunding deal completed in the U.S. under intra-state Georgia State exemption
Elton Rivas, Co-Founder & Board President of One Spark, 120,000 person CrowdFunding festival in Jacksonville, FL with $4 million raised in two weeks
Sustainability Panel
- David Levine – Moderator, Co-Founder & CEO of American Sustainable Business Council
- Frank Knapp, Co-Founder, President & CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce
- Jenny Kassan, CEO of Cutting Edge Capital
- Michael Shuman, Founding Board Member of BALLE
David Weild IV, Chairman and CEO of Weild & Co., former vice-chairman NASDAQ
Day 14 - Monday, December 16
U.S. Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC), original author of the first House version which became the Title II of the JOBS Act
Douglas Atkin, Portfolio Manager at Guggenheim Partners
Jonny Price, Senior Director of KIVA-Zip
Joy Schoffler, Principal of Leverage PR
Grand Finale Panel – Moderated by Jay Abraham; with 8 special guests: “After Funding, Maximize For Exponential Growth”